The Social Work Bubble Podcast
Laura Swanson, LCSW is a therapist in Central New York, and began The Social Work Bubble to create more conversations and community around social work! The podcast is meant as a resource for those interested or in the field, and dives into clinical practice, intervention, ethics, case studies, and licensing, MSW programs, and everything in between! Use this as a space to build community with fellow social workers so we can all thrive in this wonderful field!
The Social Work Bubble Podcast
Ep. 36 The Nitty Gritty of Finding Good Supervision! ft. Catherine Moore (@socialworkersrise)
On this episode of The Social Work Bubble Podcast, Catherine Moore, LCSW of Social Workers, Rise! and the RISE Directory joins us to get into all the details of finding a great supervisor & the good, bad, and ugly of supervision experiences & how to find a perfect fit!
Catherine Moore, LCSW is a California-based social worker that thrives in uplifting and empowering social workers through education & community. She started the Social Workers, Rise! podcast to do just that, and also began the RISE Directory to help connect supervisors to social workers.
To continue Catherine's incredible social work journey, check her out on Instagram @socialworkersrise and LinkedIn.
Social Workers, Rise!
RISE Directory
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